Specific details under NDA agreements
Some of the things I've worked on here:
- Solely designed and developed software for media capture show control system for a Disney Attraction. Programmed an industrial PLC in C++ for real-time DMX lighting control and camera triggering with time accuracy of the order of 100 μs. Made the whole system remotely configurable via REST services, and built a test front-end for performance tuning of the system on-site. In addition, designed functionality for data logging to constantly monitor the state of the system remotely. Also responsible for software install and updates on on-site production systems. Technology: Twincat - Beckhoff Automation Hardware, C++, C#
- Created an iOS application showcasing use of iBeacons (Bluetooth Low Energy) for showing location based contextual information. Notifications pushed to device on entering a region of interest, so user can be alerted even during the use case of application running in the background.
- Did User Interface design and programming in HTML5 for desktop and mobile data dashboards for a disney project. Created various iterations of mockup UIs of different ways of visualizing data in accordance with on-site contraints. Then programmed the final desktop and mobile UI in HTML5, CSS and Javascript, also using processing (java based visual programming language) javascript plugins as display widget on mobile devices.
- Customized and tested objective-C blackmagic camera video capture code. Collaborated with Disney Research to get familiar with Disney propereitary framework for video processing built on Cocoa framework (writted in objective-C), performed various stability tests for capturing video through blackmagic cameras, and helped debug errors and customize the code.
- Built a central server for an internal project exposing an HTML front-end to a backend database. Wrote both client side javascript code to make REST calls to the server, and server side PHP scripts for responding to REST calls and carrying specific actions on database. Original server hosted on windows and SQL server database backend, later migrated to Linux environment and MySQL backend. Suitably modified PHP scripts for this migration.
- Worked with hardware like Raspberry Pi boards for scripting various automation tasks, like setting up lightweight servers on the PI.
Walt Disney Theme Parks and Resorts
New Technology Analyst
Working as a software engineer on projects developing new technologies being integrated into theme parks at Walt Disney World, Orlando for improving guest experience for more than 10 million annual visitors.